Asset Allocation Committee

STEPHEN DUCHESNE – Asset Allocation Committee

Stephen has over 30 years’ experience in financial markets. He was formerly Managing Director and Head of Australasian Debt Markets with Merrill Lynch Australia and has held senior roles at Credit Suisse and Midland Bank PLC. He co-founded Endowment Bond Exchange. Stephen is currently commercializing his second fintech start-up and manages a valuation-based equity fund. […]

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DR KINGSLEY JAMES – Asset Allocation Committee

Kingsley has over 20 years’ experience in financial markets. He was a Portfolio Manager for the Macquarie Global Thematic Fund, Global Head of Quantitative Trading Research, and a member of the Australian Value team at Alliance Bernstein LP and Head of Quantitative Research at CSFB. He is a Founding Partner of Jevons Global, a global

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DR PETER MAVROMATIS – Senior Consultant (Economics)

Mav is a member of the Asset Allocation Committee and a number of investment committees. He provides macro and financial market analysis and regular commentary, along with contributions to expected returns, market valuations, portfolio construction and strategic asset allocation analysis. An investment professional with over 20 years of experience across the financial market spectrum, Mav

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